Proper nutrition for weight loss allows not only to get rid of excess weight. It also makes it possible to reduce the burden on the digestive system, prevent deficiency of organic compounds, mineral salts and vitamins necessary for the body. Despite the fact that with the help of proper nutrition, it will be possible to lose weight over a fairly long period of time (at least 1 month), the technique is physiological and does not lead to the development of various complications.
The main characteristic of the diet
Proper nutrition for weight loss must be physiologically justified. It includes several distinctive features, which include:
- Decreased energy intake in the human body by reducing the calorie content of food.
- Reducing the content of easily digestible carbohydrates in the diet, as well as fats of predominantly animal origin.
- The amount of protein compounds in the daily diet remains the same.
- Gentle mode is not required.
- A slight decrease in the amount of free fluid and table salt entering the body is necessary.
- Ensuring sufficient intake of mineral salts and vitamins into the human body, which are necessary for the normal course of all physiological processes.
- Frequent consumption of food (at least 5 times a day) in small portions.
According to the chemical composition, daily energy value, proper nutrition for weight loss includes the following characteristics:
- Proteins - 100-110 g, of which 60% should be of animal origin.
- Carbohydrates - up to 400 g, sugar is excluded from the diet, the basis should be vegetable fiber.
- Fats - 80 g, of which 30% should be of plant origin.
- Table salt (sodium chloride) - 10-12 g.
- Free liquid - up to 1. 5 liters.
- Energy value - an average of up to 2000 kcal.
Mechanism of therapeutic action
Rational nutrition to combat overweight includes several main mechanisms of action:
- Obtaining a negative energy balance, in which the energy supplied to the body with food is not enough, which leads to the breakdown of free lipids in adipose tissue.
- A change in the course of metabolic processes in cells and tissues, which occurs due to a reduced intake of glucose from food.
- Initiation of the processes of release of endogenous (own) fluid due to the breakdown of fat reserves. This mechanism of weight loss is realized by reducing the flow of free fluid into the human body with food.
The mechanisms of action of dietary recommendations for weight loss are fully implemented against the background of lifestyle modification, which includes a mandatory increase in physical activity, as well as the rejection of bad habits.
Rational nutrition for weight loss is used for several main indications, which include:
- Obesity is a pathological increase in body weight, which has a different origin, including a violation of eating habits (systematic overeating).
- A slight increase in body weight, in which a person (more often a woman) may feel psychological discomfort.
- Prevention of various diseases that are associated with changes in carbohydrate and fat metabolism in the human body. Against the background of increased body weight, the risk of developing cardiovascular pathology increases, the pathogenesis of which is associated with the deposition of cholesterol in the walls of arterial vessels. At the same time, atherosclerotic plaques are formed, which reduce the lumen of the arteries, as a result of which the blood flow to the tissues worsens. Against the background of an increased level of blood pressure, the atherosclerotic plaque cover can burst, which leads to the instant formation of blood clots, which cause the development of such serious complications as myocardial infarction, cerebral stroke.
The correct diet for weight loss within a relatively short period of time does not adversely affect the human body, since the diet necessarily contains the necessary organic compounds, vitamins and minerals. There are several contraindications, in the presence of which the implementation of dietary recommendations is not recommended. These include depletion (cachexia) of the human body caused by various factors, a severe course of infectious, somatic or endocrine diseases, requiring an increased supply of nutrients and energy to the body.
Approved Products
The list of allowed products against the background of proper nutrition for weight loss is quite wide and varied, it includes:
- Dairy products - low-fat yogurt, cottage cheese, sour cream, kefir.
- Vegetables - almost all vegetables are allowed, including non-acidic sauerkraut, they can be taken fresh, boiled, stewed or steamed.
- Low-fat fish (pollock, hake, perch, pike, pike perch), meat (rabbit, chicken). Chicken is most often taken, the meat must be without skin and tendons.
- Rigid cereals containing a significant amount of vegetable fiber (cellulose). These include pearl barley, buckwheat, barley chopped.
- Unsweetened fruits and berries - lemon, orange, apple, kiwi, cherries, sweet cherries, mango.
- Flour products - it is allowed to take stale bread from wholemeal rye or wheat flour.
- Chicken eggs - 1 piece per day, boiled soft-boiled or an omelette is prepared.
- Fats - butter, vegetable oil in a limited amount, mainly as part of other dishes.
- Drinks - coffee with milk, tea, fruit, vegetable juices, dried fruit compote, rosehip broth, wheat bran.
Prohibited Products
Prohibited foods when using proper nutrition for weight loss include:
- Broths cooked from meat, including low-fat varieties, and fish, okroshka, beetroot with the addition of mayonnaise, fatty sour cream.
- Fresh soft bread, fried pies, pastry or puff pastry products with a high fat content.
- Fatty varieties of meat and fish, which include duck, goose, pork, sturgeon, mackerel.
- Smoked products, sausages.
- Fatty whole milk, sour cream, salty fatty hard cheese.
- Legumes that lead to bloating, which significantly increases the load on the liver and other organs of the digestive system.
- Butter cakes, chocolate, confectionery with cream, ice cream.
- Pickled vegetables, mushrooms, radish, radish, onion, spinach, sorrel, garlic.
- Strong black coffee, carbonated drinks, alcohol, cocoa, grape juice, cold drinks.
- Spices, spicy sauces with mustard, pepper.
Nutrition Features
To obtain the desired result of using a balanced diet for weight loss, it is important to pay attention to several of the following nutritional features:
- It is important to eat often (at least 5 times a day), but in small portions.
- To prevent the development of diseases of the stomach and duodenum, it is important that in their lumen there is always a small amount of liquid or low-calorie food, mainly in the form of vegetable fiber.
- Compliance with a balanced diet should be long-term, at least 1 month.
- Dietary recommendations with a slight expansion of the menu are recommended throughout life. This will avoid repeated weight gain, as well as the development of cardiovascular pathology, in particular atherosclerosis.
- The last meal should be taken no later than 2 hours before the intended sleep (today there are recommendations to increase the period of time between dinner and sleep up to 3-4 hours).
- Obtaining the desired result is possible with a simultaneous increase in human motor activity, which leads to greater energy consumption.
Sample menu for the week
- Breakfast - a baked apple, low-fat cottage cheese, weak black tea.
- Lunch - bread, low-fat hard cheese, fresh tomato.
- Lunch - cheese soup, stewed chicken breast, fresh cucumber, dried fruit compote.
- Snack - fruit jelly, green tea.
- Dinner - chicken fillet casserole, cottage cheese and egg whites, green peas, kefir.
- Breakfast - steamed chicken egg omelet, toast with low-fat hard cheese, green tea.
- Lunch - banana, apple.
- Lunch - stewed cabbage, boiled beef, fresh cucumber.
- Snack - bread, low-fat cottage cheese, tomato juice.
- Dinner - boiled mussels, Chinese cabbage salad, cucumbers, green peas, egg white, natural yogurt.
- Breakfast - bread, banana, baked apple, weak coffee with low-fat milk.
- Lunch - boiled egg, a piece of ham.
- Lunch - vegetable soup boiled in water without meat, salmon, cucumber and tomato salad dressed with natural yogurt.
- Snack - cauliflower in batter, fresh orange, tomato juice.
- Dinner - steamed chicken breast, stewed vegetables, sugar-free apple compote.
- Breakfast - pancakes with apples and low-fat cottage cheese, fresh raspberries, weak black tea.
- Lunch - salad with boiled egg, cucumbers, tomatoes, seasoned with low-fat sour cream.
- Lunch - baked pollock, seaweed, dried fruit compote.
- Snack - low-fat cottage cheese without sugar, bread.
- Dinner - stewed beef, baked zucchini, Chinese cabbage salad, cucumbers, green peas, soy sauce, seasoned with lemon juice.
- Breakfast - oatmeal boiled in low-fat milk, banana, green tea.
- Lunch - fruit salad with apple, kiwi, orange, seasoned with low-fat yogurt.
- Lunch - vegetable stew, stewed chicken breast, berry compote.
- Snack - low-fat cottage cheese, bread, fermented baked milk.
- Dinner - boiled mussels, fresh cucumbers, tomato, still mineral water.
- Breakfast - rice porridge boiled in water with raisins and cinnamon, banana.
- Lunch - bread, low-fat cottage cheese.
- Lunch - vegetable soup, mashed potatoes cooked without oil, steamed chicken cutlet, green tea.
- Snack - vegetable casserole, tomato juice.
- Dinner - baked zucchini stuffed with chicken breast, cucumber, dried fruit compote.
- Breakfast - barley porridge, boiled in water with the addition of a small amount of butter, an apple.
- Lunch - bread, soft-boiled egg, cottage cheese, weak coffee with low-fat milk.
- Lunch - puree soup with low-fat fish, boiled rice without oil, seaweed.
- Snack - fruit salad with apples, pears, oranges, kiwi, seasoned with low-fat natural yogurt with cinnamon, green tea.
- Dinner - squid rings boiled in water, vegetable casserole.
Doctor's opinion
Despite the rather long period of time required for weight loss, rational nutrition for weight loss is physiologically justified. It makes it possible to gradually obtain a negative energy balance, followed by the start of obtaining endogenous energy and water due to the breakdown of the body's own fat reserves. At the same time, there is no stress for the body, and all organic substances, minerals and vitamins necessary for normal life are supplied in full.
Proper nutrition for weight loss allows not only to get rid of excess weight. It also makes it possible to reduce the burden on the digestive system, prevent deficiency of organic compounds, mineral salts and vitamins necessary for the body. Despite the fact that with the help of proper nutrition, it will be possible to lose weight over a fairly long period of time (at least 1 month), the technique is physiological and does not lead to the development of various complications.
The main characteristic of the diet
Proper nutrition for weight loss must be physiologically justified. It includes several distinctive features, which include:
- Decreased energy intake in the human body by reducing the calorie content of food.
- Reducing the content of easily digestible carbohydrates in the diet, as well as fats of predominantly animal origin.
- The amount of protein compounds in the daily diet remains the same.
- Gentle mode is not required.
- A slight decrease in the amount of free fluid and table salt entering the body is necessary.
- Ensuring sufficient intake of mineral salts and vitamins into the human body, which are necessary for the normal course of all physiological processes.
- Frequent consumption of food (at least 5 times a day) in small portions.
According to the chemical composition, daily energy value, proper nutrition for weight loss includes the following characteristics:
- Proteins - 100-110 g, of which 60% should be of animal origin.
- Carbohydrates - up to 400 g, sugar is excluded from the diet, the basis should be vegetable fiber.
- Fats - 80 g, of which 30% should be of plant origin.
- Table salt (sodium chloride) - 10-12 g.
- Free liquid - up to 1. 5 liters.
- Energy value - an average of up to 2000 kcal.
For sufficient absorption of nutrient compounds, as well as to reduce the load on the digestive system, it is recommended to take food at least 5 times a day.
Mechanism of therapeutic action
Adipose tissue contains lipids, which are macroergic organic compounds. This means that excess energy that comes from food and is not consumed in the process of life is accumulated in the form of free fat. Rational nutrition to combat overweight includes several main mechanisms of action:
- Obtaining a negative energy balance, in which the energy supplied to the body with food is not enough, which leads to the breakdown of free lipids in adipose tissue.
- A change in the course of metabolic processes in cells and tissues, which occurs due to a reduced intake of glucose from food.
- Initiation of the processes of release of endogenous (own) fluid due to the breakdown of fat reserves. This mechanism of weight loss is realized by reducing the flow of free fluid into the human body with food.
The mechanisms of action of dietary recommendations for weight loss are fully implemented against the background of lifestyle modification, which includes a mandatory increase in physical activity, as well as the rejection of bad habits.
Rational nutrition for weight loss is used for several main indications, which include:
- Obesity is a pathological increase in body weight, which has a different origin, including a violation of eating habits (systematic overeating).
- A slight increase in body weight, in which a person (more often a woman) may feel psychological discomfort.
- Prevention of various diseases that are associated with changes in carbohydrate and fat metabolism in the human body. Against the background of increased body weight, the risk of developing cardiovascular pathology increases, the pathogenesis of which is associated with the deposition of cholesterol in the walls of arterial vessels. At the same time, atherosclerotic plaques are formed, which reduce the lumen of the arteries, as a result of which the blood flow to the tissues worsens. Against the background of an increased level of blood pressure, the atherosclerotic plaque cover can burst, which leads to the instant formation of blood clots, which cause the development of such serious complications as myocardial infarction, cerebral stroke.
Achieving goals with the help of proper nutrition for weight loss is possible only with a disciplined approach of a person in relation to changing eating habits.
The correct diet for weight loss within a relatively short period of time does not adversely affect the human body, since the diet necessarily contains the necessary organic compounds, vitamins and minerals. There are several contraindications, in the presence of which the implementation of dietary recommendations is not recommended. These include depletion (cachexia) of the human body caused by various factors, a severe course of infectious, somatic or endocrine diseases, requiring an increased supply of nutrients and energy to the body.
Approved Products
The list of allowed products against the background of proper nutrition for weight loss is quite wide and varied, it includes:
- Dairy products - low-fat yogurt, cottage cheese, sour cream, kefir.
- Vegetables - almost all vegetables are allowed, including non-acidic sauerkraut, they can be taken fresh, boiled, stewed or steamed.
- Low-fat fish (pollock, hake, perch, pike, pike perch), meat (rabbit, chicken). Chicken is most often taken, the meat must be without skin and tendons.
- Rigid cereals containing a significant amount of vegetable fiber (cellulose). These include pearl barley, buckwheat, barley chopped.
- Unsweetened fruits and berries - lemon, orange, apple, kiwi, cherries, sweet cherries, mango.
- Flour products - it is allowed to take stale bread from wholemeal rye or wheat flour.
- Chicken eggs - 1 piece per day, boiled soft-boiled or an omelette is prepared.
- Fats - butter, vegetable oil in a limited amount, mainly as part of other dishes.
- Drinks - coffee with milk, tea, fruit, vegetable juices, dried fruit compote, rosehip broth, wheat bran.
Prohibited Products
Prohibited foods when using proper nutrition for weight loss include:
- Broths cooked from meat, including low-fat varieties, and fish, okroshka, beetroot with the addition of mayonnaise, fatty sour cream.
- Fresh soft bread, fried pies, pastry or puff pastry products with a high fat content.
- Fatty varieties of meat and fish, which include duck, goose, pork, sturgeon, mackerel.
- Smoked products, sausages.
- Fatty whole milk, sour cream, salty fatty hard cheese.
- Legumes that lead to bloating, which significantly increases the load on the liver and other organs of the digestive system.
- Butter cakes, chocolate, confectionery with cream, ice cream.
- Pickled vegetables, mushrooms, radish, radish, onion, spinach, sorrel, garlic.
- Strong black coffee, carbonated drinks, alcohol, cocoa, grape juice, cold drinks.
- Spices, spicy sauces with mustard, pepper.
Nutrition Features
To obtain the desired result of using a balanced diet for weight loss, it is important to pay attention to several of the following nutritional features:
- It is important to eat often (at least 5 times a day), but in small portions.
- To prevent the development of diseases of the stomach and duodenum, it is important that in their lumen there is always a small amount of liquid or low-calorie food, mainly in the form of vegetable fiber.
- Compliance with a balanced diet should be long-term, at least 1 month.
- Dietary recommendations with a slight expansion of the menu are recommended throughout life. This will avoid repeated weight gain, as well as the development of cardiovascular pathology, in particular atherosclerosis.
- The last meal should be taken no later than 2 hours before the intended sleep (today there are recommendations to increase the period of time between dinner and sleep up to 3-4 hours).
- Obtaining the desired result is possible with a simultaneous increase in human motor activity, which leads to greater energy consumption.
Sample menu for the week
- Breakfast - a baked apple, low-fat cottage cheese, weak black tea.
- Lunch - bread, low-fat hard cheese, fresh tomato.
- Lunch - cheese soup, stewed chicken breast, fresh cucumber, dried fruit compote.
- Snack - fruit jelly, green tea.
- Dinner - chicken fillet casserole, cottage cheese and egg whites, green peas, kefir.
- Breakfast - steamed chicken egg omelet, toast with low-fat hard cheese, green tea.
- Lunch - banana, apple.
- Lunch - stewed cabbage, boiled beef, fresh cucumber.
- Snack - bread, low-fat cottage cheese, tomato juice.
- Dinner - boiled mussels, Chinese cabbage salad, cucumbers, green peas, egg white, natural yogurt.
- Breakfast - bread, banana, baked apple, weak coffee with low-fat milk.
- Lunch - boiled egg, a piece of ham.
- Lunch - vegetable soup boiled in water without meat, salmon, cucumber and tomato salad dressed with natural yogurt.
- Snack - cauliflower in batter, fresh orange, tomato juice.
- Dinner - steamed chicken breast, stewed vegetables, sugar-free apple compote.
- Breakfast - pancakes with apples and low-fat cottage cheese, fresh raspberries, weak black tea.
- Lunch - salad with boiled egg, cucumbers, tomatoes, seasoned with low-fat sour cream.
- Lunch - baked pollock, seaweed, dried fruit compote.
- Snack - low-fat cottage cheese without sugar, bread.
- Dinner - stewed beef, baked zucchini, Chinese cabbage salad, cucumbers, green peas, soy sauce, seasoned with lemon juice.
- Breakfast - oatmeal boiled in low-fat milk, banana, green tea.
- Lunch - fruit salad with apple, kiwi, orange, seasoned with low-fat yogurt.
- Lunch - vegetable stew, stewed chicken breast, berry compote.
- Snack - low-fat cottage cheese, bread, fermented baked milk.
- Dinner - boiled mussels, fresh cucumbers, tomato, still mineral water.
- Breakfast - rice porridge boiled in water with raisins and cinnamon, banana.
- Lunch - bread, low-fat cottage cheese.
- Lunch - vegetable soup, mashed potatoes cooked without oil, steamed chicken cutlet, green tea.
- Snack - vegetable casserole, tomato juice.
- Dinner - baked zucchini stuffed with chicken breast, cucumber, dried fruit compote.
- Breakfast - barley porridge, boiled in water with the addition of a small amount of butter, an apple.
- Lunch - bread, soft-boiled egg, cottage cheese, weak coffee with low-fat milk.
- Lunch - puree soup with low-fat fish, boiled rice without oil, seaweed.
- Snack - fruit salad with apples, pears, oranges, kiwi, seasoned with low-fat natural yogurt with cinnamon, green tea.
- Dinner - squid rings boiled in water, vegetable casserole.
The menu table for 1 month includes the same recommendations, food products and the way they are prepared. For a change, 1 time per week, it is allowed to include mushrooms in the diet (champignons are best). As the weight decreases (usually after a few months), it is recommended to continue following the dietary recommendations. This will be a good prevention of weight gain and the development of cardiovascular diseases in the future.
Doctor's opinion
Despite the rather long period of time required for weight loss, rational nutrition for weight loss is physiologically justified. It makes it possible to gradually obtain a negative energy balance, followed by the start of obtaining endogenous energy and water due to the breakdown of the body's own fat reserves. At the same time, there is no stress for the body, and all organic substances, minerals and vitamins necessary for normal life are supplied in full.